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Innovation meets fascination.

Every innovation starts with an idea. You need the courage to question everything and the drive to never rest on your laurels.
At Dentsply Sirona, this is the journey we take with all our innovations and in everything that we do.
We strive to offer you an excellent experience with every new generation of our treatment centers.

Smart Design

Axano combines a smart design with a high degree of comfort and innovative treatment functions. Sleek lines, Ambient Light and Smart Touch combine to create a modern, elegant design.

Excellent Workflows

Axano offers you excellent workflows that make treatments more comfortable and more efficient and hygiene processes more reliable, which can enable benefits for your practice and your patients.

Digital Experience

When ease of operation enhances satisfaction: The innovative Smart Touch user interface offers you a digital experience that can be adjusted to your personal needs.

Three dentists know exactly what is crucial for their daily work. Here they tell us unfiltered what makes the new Axano so special:

Product highlights

Smart Touch

Smart Touch is an interactive display that offers you structured, clear functions and innovative multi-touch technology. The user interface can be customized with ease to meet your needs.

Smart Delivery Pro

Smart Delivery Pro brings the dentist element within your reach at time and adjusts to your working height with the automated height adjustment function. So you can treat your patients ergonomically.

Smart Control

Smart Control is a multifunctional control element – providing you with support when operating the treatment center: Access essential functions fast and handsfree. This intuitive function allows your head and hands to be free for an ergonomic treatment.