image-comparison grip-lines arrow-top-right zip arrow-right video minus arrow-back text shop twitter file home quick-order arrow-left youtube search arrow-down check all filter site_references image Slice 1 zoom 🎬 icons / _ icon size / _ download-queue Created with Sketch. chevron-down arrow-right picture pdf podcast exe plus hotline close xxx-1 burger clipboard linked-in ppt Artboard 🎬 icons / _ icon size / _ download-queue_add Created with Sketch. Layer 1 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 My Account press_releases Created with Sketch. PRESS ds-instruments ds-preventive ds-implants ds-endodontics Cart presentation Created with Sketch. DS-Preventive-Icon-Grey video Created with Sketch. other Created with Sketch. text_piece Created with Sketch. promotion Created with Sketch. Spare Parts ds-imaging-systems case_study Created with Sketch. ds-treatment-centers broschure Created with Sketch. ds-prosthetics ds-restorative video Created with Sketch. flyer Created with Sketch. whitepaper Created with Sketch. article Created with Sketch. image Created with Sketch. Service ds-cad-cam Artboard Quick Order Dentist Chair study Created with Sketch. ds-orthodontics ds-implants ds-endodontics ds-cerec digital-scan grinder ds-diagnosis END-Website-Icons-Shaping-Cleaning-Obturation step_1 analyse ds-abutment-placement more-quality initiative scan more-quality ds-polishing digital ds-irrigation ds-treatment-centers Test treatment ds-restorative ds-implant-planning realistic construct book ds-planning-impression END-Website-Icons-Shaping-Cleaning-Obturation END-Website-Icons-Shaping-Cleaning-Obturation mirror anwender ds-preventive planning-2 ds-obturation ds-cad-cam 04 ds-implant-placement ds-retention-protection ds-anesthetics restauration form ds-inlab oven CORP-icon-grey-screen-tooth-cavity-pulpa robot plan place ds-orthodontics PDF-Formular_ganzneu PDF overlay ds-bone-regeneration ds-treatment-preparation vorher_nachher ds-maging-systems wifi END-Website-Icons-Shaping-Cleaning-Obturation omnicam PDF-Formular_neu_vonGünther treatment consulting planning comparison ds-set-up ds-prosthetics support step_3 ds-tooth-preparation ds-treatments ds-scaling step_2 ds-instruments software quote-english quote-french quote-text-german Created with Sketch. upload Created with Sketch. version Created with Sketch. ds-endodontics globe Group Created with Sketch. EndoEquipmentGreypng Imaging Grey 2svg obturation EndoGlideShapingGreypng irrigation blue Imaging 1svg Imaging 2svg DS-Preventive-Icon-Grey Final_Implants_Category_Implant-Systems Access Blue obturation blue restoration restoration grey Access Grey irrigation treatment EndoEquipmentBluepng irrigation grey Diagnosis primeprint-grey Hub Bluesvg EndoEquipmentpng Final_Implants_Procedure_Single-tooth Diagnsis blue Imaging blue EndoRetretmentBluepng Access restoration blue Final_Implants_Procedure_Edentulous-therapy Final_Implants_Procedure_Hard-and-soft-tissue-management obtruation grey endo grey treatment blue Imaging blue 1svg Imaging grey EndoGlideShapingBluepng EndoRetretmentGreypng polishing EndoRetretmentpng Hubsvg Final_Implants_Category_Implant-Dentistry polishing blue Diagnosis Grey Cerec Bluesvg Imaging Blue 2svg EndoGlideShapingpng endo treatment grey Hub Greysvg Scaling Cerec Greysvg endo blue polishing grey search Imaging Grey 1svg scaling blue Cerecsvg DS Points Logo Imaging scaling grey

Working with DS as a Supplier

As the world leader in dental products and education, we value our suppliers as sustainable partners in delivering on our Mission.


Our Purpose and Mission

Every day, we empower dental professionals all over the world to provide millions of patients with better dental care and make people smile.

As the leader in the dental industry, it is our responsibility to deliver meaningful innovation and maintain our customer focus every day. We are accountable to our customers and each other to keep our promises and to be a trusted partner.

When we do this, we win as a team, improve the lives of patients, dental professionals, our employees and deliver the results to our shareholders.


Expectations of Dentsply Sirona and our Suppliers

At Dentsply Sirona, we’re looking for suppliers who share our values and commitment to:

  • Ethical business practices including creating a safe work environment for their employees, and compliance with all laws pertaining to human rights including the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010, the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, and similar laws in other countries pertaining to child labor and human trafficking
  • Exceptional quality materials and/or services delivered on time
  • Delivering value to our customers, and
  • Bring innovations and work with us to develop new and creative solutions to improve user and customer experiences.

Our aim is it to develop sustainable partnerships with our supplier community, together delivering innovation, supply continuity and continuous improvement.

As a Dentsply Sirona Supplier, you are a valued member of our stakeholder community and can expect to be treated with respect. Dentsply Sirona welcomes all suppliers of every background and business size including Minority, Women-owned, and Veteran-owned suppliers.

In a spirit of continuous improvement, we provide feedback to our supplier community and are always open to new ideas on how we can better serve our customers together.

Helpful links for existing Dentsply Sirona suppliers

Dentsplysirona expects the highest commitment to ethical behavior from ourselves and our suppliers.

Dentsply Sirona Code of Ethics and Business Conduct


Current Dentsply Sirona General Terms and Conditions for Purchase of Goods and Services, dated 1-Oct-2020 and effective upon receipt













We have a contract agreement or framework agreement with DS, how will updated PO T&C impact us?

Please read our PO T&C section 1.3

When will the PO T&C take effect?

Effective upon receiving signed supplier notification from VP Procurement

If you have further questions to the attached PO T&C, please send your queries to your DS point of contact and will be escalated internally to address in a timely manner.

All supplier invoices must follow the directions from Global Procurement & Accounts Payable stated below for seamless and quick invoice processing.

Invoices received without a purchase order number or DS Point of Contact will require additional processing time and may impact the timeliness of payment.

  • Invoices must state Purchase Order #. We do not need a copy of PO issued by DS.
  • If you have multiple SoWs with DS, ensure you state the correct PO# on the invoice.
  • Invoices must clearly state name of DS Point of Contact.
  • If our POs are itemized, invoices must also be itemized for the goods delivered or services provided.
  • Only electronic invoices or credit notes in PDF format must be sent to the email address mentioned on the PO footer.
  • Invoices sent to DS Point of Contact email ID will not be processed for payment.
  • Multiple invoices need to be submitted as separate documents.
  • Multiple documents can be sent in a single email (max size 50 megabytes).
  • Invoices should be in black and white, without color or shading
  • We do not accept
    • Proforma invoices
    • Links to portals to download invoices
    • Poor quality invoices
    • Pictures of invoices
    • Reminders
    • Statements etc.


 Accounts Payable Inquiries:

North American suppliers


EMEA suppliers

  • From systems perspective, supplier must be onboarded before invoice can be paid. Please provide all documents requested by the DS stakeholder in a timely manner.
  • Payment terms are mentioned on the PO. Immediate payment requests are not entertained unless authorized earlier.
  • DS preferred payment method is electronic (for example ACH, WIRE, SEPA etc.)
  • For payment status, please contact us at one of our emails below.  

Accounts Payable Inquiries:

North American suppliers


EMEA suppliers
